The Elements of Delay in Jesus Teaching about His advent
Jesus promised His disciples that He would be back, in John 14:1-3 we read that Jesus has prepared a place for them and for us as well. Not long after that, Jesus gave the disciples the signs that would anticipate His second coming. In Matthew 24, Jesus describes those signs. After Jesus went to heaven, the angels promised the Disciples that Jesus would be back in the clouds, in Acts 1:10-11, the angels tell the disciples that the same Jesus that left would come back.
For centuries, we have preached that Jesus is coming back soon, but He never did, people have died with the hope that Jesus would come back soon, and still today, we do not know when Jesus is coming, we still waiting. Jesus did tell His disciples in Matthew 24:36 that the day and hour nobody new, and we also need to take in consideration II Peter 3:8-9 which says, “But don't forget this, dear friends, that a day or a thousand years from now is like tomorrow to the Lord. He isn't really being slow about His promised return, even though it sometimes seems that way. But He is waiting, for the good reason that He is not willing that any should perish, and He is giving more time for sinners to repent."
Jesus has kept His promises of coming back, but He loves us so much that He is giving us enough time to get ready and repent of our sins, turn away from our wicked lives. Each day that Jesus delays His coming I because one soul is repenting. We need to do as Matthew 24:42 says: “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.”
It would be unfair for Jesus to come back sooner then He will, He knows the time, and He knows what goes on people’s heart, and He knows the perfect time to intervene in world’s history.
Jesus have not delayed His second coming, He still on His time line, I believe Jesus cannot wait to come back and forever free us from sin, and Jesus must be anxious to see us and to give us a new body, a new house and a new name, however if we look at divine things with human’s eyes, Jesus has delayed, and He is taking a long time, but for Jesus, things are running as planned.
I do believe Jesus is coming back soon, and He can come back at any time, any minute, and any second. In Ecclesiastes 9:5, Salomon is clear to say that the dead knows nothing, so when you die, in a blink of an eye, you will see Jesus, not that you went to heaven, any supernatural event happened, when someone dies, that person will rest, and on Jesus second coming that person will awake to see Christ coming back in the clouds, so for me or for anybody else, Jesus can come back now, “since no man knows the future, who can tell him what is to come?” Ecclesiastes 8:7 NIV.
Jesus has not delayed; we are the ones that try to set a time for Jesus to come back. Human beings are so tired of sin, and the affects it has on us that we cannot wait for Jesus to come and free us from all of that. Luke 21:34-36 says, “Watch out! Don't let My sudden coming catch you unawares; don't let Me find you living in careless ease, carousing and drinking, and occupied with the problems of this life, like all the rest of the world. Keep a constant watch.” So we need to watch, and do not be worried that Jesus has delayed, because it is not our responsibility to set a time for God’s plan, but to accept it, and be ready for that day, and when it comes, we will be ready.
your blog looks very interesting. I'm from portugal, lisbon and I'm a seventh-day-adventist church member. See you around ;)
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