Tuesday, February 21, 2006

"I See People Falling"

Sometimes when I'm sitting in front of the TV and watching the winter Olympic games in Torino, Italy, I feel a little guilt. I don't want to say that I am pessimist, or that I love to see the others fail, but I kind of enjoy seeing people failing. When a girl in figure skating falls, it feels as if you don't want to look, but you have to...

I really love to watch the jumps, it excites me to know that people can flip that many times… the bobsled is one of my favorite too, it can reach high speeds and it makes a cool noise.

When someone is performing whatever sport, sometimes I think what that person went through before the Olympic games. It has at least 4 year of intensive training, and discipline, so to see them fail, doesn’t mean they are not good. I would not be able to do 1/10 of what they can do, but when they fall, or they do something wrong, it seems as if I have a suggestion or a comment to make to that person. It seems so easy to spot what the problem was with that person, and sometimes it is easy to forget how much it took for them to be where they are, many of them gave up social life, marriages, kids, and even some dreams so they could achieve their ultimate goal of being a Olympic medalist.

Sometimes I wonder why do people compete. I personally don’t think that competition is a Godly act. Satan was kicked out of heaven because he wanted to compete with God to see who was greater. However, what would we be if there were no competitions? We would be boring human beings with lots of free time in our hands and nothing to do. Competition adds spice to our life, but I think it can be very dangerous. Competition starts to be harmful after someone get so drowned to the competition that she or he will do anything to win.

One of my friends came to me one day and told me he did not think it was bad to have competitions, and I asked him why. He told me that he enjoys running, and he likes the feeling of competing against others. Up to this point it is OK, but if you look at the competitors, whoever is humble never wins.

Whoever doesn’t think that he or she is the best, it will be very hard to win. If you accept second place, you will never achieve the first place. So if you start competing, even if it is for the write reasons, the road will usually lead you to a self centered, egoistic life stile, and God will probably be out of the scene.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Is it OK to be a Gay?

First of all, for those who got offended with the picture, "I'm Sorry."
Some people came to me and asked if it was OK to be gay; my answer to this question is “Yes, it is OK to be gay.” Now before you go out there quoting me, just listen up to what I have to say.
God will not burn gays, God will not hate gays, and God will not stop loving gays. God however does not agree with this life style. We cannot judge gays because of their life style. In I Corinthians 6:9, Paul writes, “Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders” (NIV). Notice that homosexuality is number 5 on the list that includes:

Sexual Immoral: Pedophilia, S&M, Bukkake, Animal Sex, Creampie, camel toe, A2M, Milf, Gangbang, BDSM, etc… if you are familiar with any of this terms, you are most likely to be sexual immoral person.

Idolaters: you do not need to bow down to an image to be idolater. The Catholics are shameless though. They worship anything but Jesus. Jesus is just a greater God then all the other images, the Catholics even changed a little bit the 10 commandments, so it would be acceptable the fact that they worship idles and Gods. Even in my church (Seventh day Adventist) that proclaims to follow the 10 commandments, people still worship idols. That is because you do not need to worship and man-like image, people nowadays worship their money, their car, their job, their boat, their new flat screen TV, their girlfriend, and the list goes on. Just pay attention, people will protect, talk about it, share ideas about their gods.

Adulterers: Jesus says in Matthew 5:32 that, “But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery.” So if we look around, with a rate of divorce of 50%, there are a lot of idolaters around us. Just look at Hollywood, to them, marriage and divorce happens more often then you blink. Millions of weddings are performed in Las Vegas each year, and many of them have to basis or fundament.

Male Prostitutes: this is getting more and more common nowadays; they even made a movie (and a sequel) about the subject, where a man is hired as a gigolo. Kids and parents that see the movies, and laugh at it, start to see it as a wrong act but acceptable.

Homosexual Offenders: this is plain as straight “gay people.” More and more you hear about them, there are movies, sitcoms, singers, politicians, bishops, pastors, and parents that are gays.

This whole thing reminds me of the story of Sodom and Gomorra, and the end will be the same…

So before you go out there pointing fingers on gays, look at yourself first. God hates the sin but loves the sinner, I think it is Ok to be gay but it is not OK to give yourself into your desiers.

If for some reason you are gay and you really feel you need to change, let me tell you something that might help. When Paul wrote this message, guess to whom he wrote it? On I Corinthians 6:11 it says, “And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” So some of the people that Paul is speaking here were gays.
Some people might argue that being a gay is genetic and once you are gay, you never comeback. I won’t argue with that, however if a sex offender that struggles with pornography, if he/she asks God to help him/her, God will help, and even if the temptation is there, God will give victory to that person. Even if adulterer feels tempted to do it again, but he/she asks God for strength, God will help that person. If a male prostitute that gave his life to God, and changed lifestyles because of it is suffering because he is not make as much money as he was before, even if the temptation is there, God will also be there.
I can understand that gay will feel attracted to someone with the same sex, however, that person does not need to sin, if that person asks God for forgiveness, and asks God for help, He will provide the help you need. Satan will still tempt you, and you may loose some battles, but you will definitely win the war.

I got $20

Today I got 20 bucks from a rebate of a microwave that I bough the day after thanksgiving. I do not want to disrespect the manufacture of the microwave, but it has been 2 months, and 20 days since I sent it away, I understand the fact that all of them must be so stingy that they must be crying until now. I can even imagine them having a farewell party to the 20 bucks, and they wrote love letter to those 20 bucks. On the other side, being a student, I was dreaming with those 20 dollars, I would check the mail box everyday, just to see if I had my 20 dollars, I made plans with the 20 dollars, I prepared a special place for that 20 dollars in my wallet, I was like a mother that was expecting a child. I have great planes, and hopes for this 20 dollars, I hope it becomes 100 dollars someday, but first, I need to dedicate it to the Lord, and give Him 2 dollars of my baby…

One More Boring Blog

Have you noticed that with the invasion of bloggers, writing are getting more and more boring? People nowadays are writing about their pets, their days at school, and even about period and menstrual cycle. The rule nowadays is that there are no rules, and very few blogs are worth reading. I’m sure this one will not be one of them…
I’m just writing because the doctor told me to, it takes away the stress of my daily routine, and the things that go one in life.
Before you lose anymore time here, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Henrique O. Gomes; I am studying theology at Southwestern Adventist University in Keene, TX. Even though this is my last year here, I wish I could stay more. I like everything about here, and I enjoy my student life. I’m originally from Brazil, and I’ve been here in the States for five years, my mom and my sister live in Virginia, and I’m the only one here in Texas… I’ll be talking about some theological stuff, since I enjoy it, but I will also be talking about some stupid and useless stuff, so let me know what you think, and if you don’t, I do not care, I have mote things to do then to think about a unanswered entry.